Weekly News – September 2
Big news out of the 9th Circuit

“Bankruptcy Directors” at it again!
UCC Emergency Motion to stop Altera from blessing Brookfield-led insider transactions

Time for the debtors to step aside…

Academics criticize Texas Two-Step

SDNY denies LATAM appeals

LATAM Opinions on Appeal
TLA Claimants Appeal Opinion and Order
Bed, Beth & Beyond restructuring plan

The new canary in the coal mine

Another Delaware bankruptcy court approves third-party releases amidst disagreements with other Circuits

Endo proposes 363 sale to sidestep creditors

Energy crisis hits Europe…

Lumileds — DIP backstop and lender fees under scrutiny

Powell speaks….

Private credit not funny anymore

Tweet of the week…

New event: American College of Investment Counsel Annual Meeting

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Upcoming Events
September 6-7: International Insolvency Institute Annual Conference
September 9-10: The Chicago Conference on Judicial Valuation
September 19-20: Proskauer: Digital assets in business and law
September 22: LSTA Annual Conference
September 23: ABI: Views from the Bench
September 28: Kroll: Cost of Capital in the Current Environment
October 7: Debt Market Complexity: Shadowed Practices and Financial Injustice
October 13-14: ABI: International Insolvency & Restructuring Symposium
October 19-22: National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges: NCBJ 2022
November 1-4: TMA: 2022 Annual Conference
November 28: Beard Group: Distressed Investing Conference
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