Weekly News – August 12
Transparency in Action

Quote of the week

Sears settlement pays administrative claims “in full”

How did Eddie Lambert make out?

Kirkland on a roll…

Plaintiffs ask MDL to enjoin Bankruptcy Court

The private equity club gets clubbier

Distress heats up
Avaya taps legal, financial advisers to look at debt options
Endo under siege from opioid lawsuits says bankruptcy filing imminent
While inflation cools

Markets rebound

Puerto Rico corruption

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September 22: LSTA Annual Conference
October 7: Debt Market Complexity: Shadowed Practices and Financial Injustice
October 13-14: ABI: International Insolvency & Restructuring Symposium
October 19-22: National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges: NCBJ 2022
November 1-4: TMA: 2022 Annual Conference
November 28: Beard Group: Distressed Investing Conference
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