Weekly News – February 3

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Deadline of February 15

Texas Two-Step thrown out by Third Circuit

Filing not made in Good Faith

Academics weigh in

3M: next shoe to drop?

Debtor on Debtor Violence: FTX sues Voyager for $445 million

Voyager UCC responds to FTX

Ponzi Schemes & Feeder Funds Oh my!

S&C still in the hot seat…

Latest drop-down: #nextchapter22?

Oye! Oi Chapter 22

Latest sponsor tactic: extending grace periods
for interest payment defaults

Avaya bondholders fight back

One of our favorites Paul Goldschmid talks shop

A tale of two cities: strong January
belies earnings weakness

Earnings season tracking negative

Morgan Stanley view on the markets

Have something interesting to share?

email us at info@creditorcoalition.org

Upcoming Events

February 6: ABI: Caribbean Insolvency Symposium

February 7: 10 East Fireside Chat with Michaell Leffell, Jonathan Kolatch and Ted Seides

February 8: ABI: Look Ahead for 2023: International and Asset Sales

February 13: Reorg: A Review of Chapter 11 Filings in 2022

February 15: ABI: Look Ahead for 2023: Mediation, Emerging Industries and Technology

February 15: Law.com: The Crypto Landscape Post-FTX

February 16: Cleary: Latest Developments in the Auto Industry and Related Restructurings

February 24: Wharton Restructuring & Distressed Investing Conference 2023

March 6: ABI Annual Duberstein Bankruptcy Moot Court Gala

March 29: Debtwire: CLO Investor Summit 2023

April 13: 2023 Financial Restructuring Roundtable

April 27: LSTA: The Private Credit Industry Conference on Direct Lending and Middle Market Finance

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