Weekly News – March 17
Bankruptcy bingo

How did we get here?

Contagion fears…

Ackman sounds the alarm (again…)

Sending out an SOS


SVB Holdco files for BK

Back to the basics…


UBS to the rescue!

And in other news…
Diamond Sports files for BK

Serta news Excluded lenders respond

Our take:
open market purchases are not directly negotiated between borrower and
lender despite what J. Jones may think
Experts weigh in on open market purchases

Cert petitions

CPI running hot

but who cares!

Women’s History Month Upcoming Feature

Read our recent roundtable: Women in Credit

Read our recent coverage of Crypto Contagion here:

Read our recent coverage of Exclusive Opportunism here:

Have something interesting to share?
email us at info@creditorcoalition.org
Upcoming Events
March 29: Debtwire: CLO Investor Summit 2023
April 13: 2023 Financial Restructuring Roundtable
April 20: ABI: Annual Spring Meeting
April 26: **new event** TMA NYC: Distressed Investing Seminar
April 27: LSTA: The Private Credit Industry Conference on Direct Lending and Middle Market Finance