Weekly News – February 24

Upcoming Featured Event

In with a bang out with a whimper

SCOTUS rules on debtor discharge

Celsius update: Novawulf plan on the hot seat

Let’s get ready to rumble!

Cineworld update: No soup for you!

Surprise…. surprise…. surprise Avaya backstop in the money

CRE under pressure

What every board needs to know

Household liquidity under pressure

leading to…credit card delinquencies on the rise

meantime….PPI accelerating

Leading to sharp sell off inflation data raising questions

Putting pressure on high yield

CRC Contributor Cliff White weighs in on Examiners

Read our recent roundtable: Women in Credit

Read our recent coverage of Crypto Contagion here:

Read our recent coverage of Exclusive Opportunism here:

Have something interesting to share?

email us at info@creditorcoalition.org

Upcoming Events

March 6: ABI Annual Duberstein Bankruptcy Moot Court Gala

March 29: Debtwire: CLO Investor Summit 2023

April 13: 2023 Financial Restructuring Roundtable

April 20: ABI: Annual Spring Meeting

April 27: LSTA: The Private Credit Industry Conference on Direct Lending and Middle Market Finance

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