Weekly News – September 29
The 45-day road to nowhere

BK pros to the rescue!

K&E pitch deck

LMEs a “creative” roadmap to nowhere
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Our take:
A road to nowhere! S&P is rightfully concerned about LMEs that pile on interest expense and don’t provide runway
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Excluded lenders fight back!
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Our take:
Providing benefits to subsets of creditors undermines the rehabilitative benefits of the Code.
The system will break (see above re Roman Empire).
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Freight train coming for excluded lenders…
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The virus is spreading…


McDermott restructuring starts
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Evergrande hits a wall

What we’re listening to…

Chart of the week

and consumer defaults rising…

2023 CRC Allocators Conference coming up

This event is available to institutional investors only

CRC weighs in on Serta

The Academics Speak Up
Purdue Pharma

Purdue Pharma is the gift that keeps on giving. This is our third installment on the twists and turns this case has taken through the Courts. You can read our first installment here, and our second here.
All bets came off the table when the Supreme Court decided to reshuffle the deck by taking on the appeal of the 2nd Circuit’s decision. Not only did SCOTUS take the unusual step of taking on this big ticket issue in BK cases but it also stopped the lower court’s decision in its tracks putting the breaks on the entire enchilada. We decided to consult with our expert Academic Contributors for our inaugural feature the Academics Speak Up to get their takes on the latest developments.
We are excited to bring you the varying perspectives of Prof. Tony Casey, Prof. Samir Parikh and Prof. Ralph Brubaker.
Read on here, you won’t be disappointed.
Read more on Purdue Pharma

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Read our recent coverage:
Where Are We In The Credit Cycle?

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Featured Event: Beard Investing Conference

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October 2: Paul Weiss: Recent Trends in LatAm Bankruptcy Practice
October 3: **New Event** Schulte: Hawaiian Electric Webinar
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October 19: **New Event** Proskauer: Private Credit Restructuring State of the Market
October 24: ABI: Cross-Border Insolvency Program
October 26: Chicago Conference on Litigation Finance