Weekly News – March 3

Upcoming Feature

Endo global settlement sets pathway for exit

Endo GUCs rise on settlement news

FTX presentation to creditors

Even judges get caught up in crypto-fever

SEC: No soup for you!

J. Wiles smack-down

Silvergate bank: next domino to fall?

SDTX backdoors into protecting any third party against claims

Our take:
All of this hulabaloo about third-party releases goes by the wayside when BK Courts (like the SDTX) can force parties to come back to BK courts for their State law claims

Treasury yields: the canary in the coal mine

What we’re watching: KKR on credit

More on the evaporating savings rate

CRC Contributor Cliff White weighs in on Examiners

Read our recent roundtable: Women in Credit

Read our recent coverage of Crypto Contagion here:

Read our recent coverage of Exclusive Opportunism here:

Have something interesting to share?

email us at info@creditorcoalition.org

Upcoming Events

March 6: ABI Annual Duberstein Bankruptcy Moot Court Gala

March 29: Debtwire: CLO Investor Summit 2023

April 13: 2023 Financial Restructuring Roundtable

April 20: ABI: Annual Spring Meeting

April 27: LSTA: The Private Credit Industry Conference on Direct Lending and Middle Market Finance

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