Weekly News – March 10
Women’s History Month Upcoming Feature

Silvergate bank failure

Silicon Valley Bank bank failure

What happened at SVB?

SVB cap structure at a glance

Contagion fears…

Contagion fears… Ackman

Stablecoin USDC: next domino to fall?

or, is this much ado about nothing…

In other news…
Voyager plan approved over SEC objections

Co-op agreements in the news…

Our take:
Co-op agreements are part of the evolving response of creditors to ever aggressive tactics to pit lender against lender oftentimes at the behest of PE firms.
Loans as securities?

Cert petitions challenge solvent-debtor exception

League tables!

Powell jolts markets

Yield inversion hits extremes even before SVB bank run occurs

end of week ends on sour note…

UST Appeals Judge Dorsey’s examiner appointment denial in FTC
CRC Contributor Cliff White weighs in….

Read our recent roundtable: Women in Credit

Read our recent coverage of Crypto Contagion here:

Read our recent coverage of Exclusive Opportunism here:

Have something interesting to share?
email us at info@creditorcoalition.org
Upcoming Events
March 15: **new event** DLA Piper: Key restructuring trends in the life sciences industry
March 29: Debtwire: CLO Investor Summit 2023
April 13: 2023 Financial Restructuring Roundtable
April 20: ABI: Annual Spring Meeting
April 26: **new event** TMA NYC: Distressed Investing Seminar
April 27: LSTA: The Private Credit Industry Conference on Direct Lending and Middle Market Finance