Weekly News – October 28

Trick or “Tweet” Happy Halloween

Woe is me… Please, please, please help me!

Lenders consider challenge of Mitel uptier

A good defense is the best offense: lenders respose to uptiers

Avaya deal on the horizon?

Bed Bath & Beyond Exchange on the ropes

Texas Two-Step under fire

A new kind of lender on lender warfare?

Juul bailout?

Bad news is good news!

Distressed debt piles up

Look out below!

Don’t miss the ABI Delaware Conference

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Upcoming Events

November 1-4: TMA: 2022 Annual Conference

November 10: Houlihan Lokey: Asset Valuation Symposium

November 17: ABI: Delaware Views from the Bench

November 28: Beard Group: Distressed Investing Conference

December 1: Debtwire: Restructuring Forum Miami

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