Weekly News – May 19

2023 Restructuring Symposium
Registration Closed 
waitlist available for a short time


7 Bankruptcies in One Week!
SDTX: 4 / Rest of the World: 3

How we started the week…

How we ended the week…

A whopping punch in the stomach. Can Apollo still play both offense and defense at the same time or will they have to pick sides going forward? 
(answers remain anonymous

Monitronics off to the races

Find it on Reorg here

Creditors score!

Music to my ears

I’m at the dropdown

I’m at the uptier

I’m at the co-op

Exclusive Content

Find it on Reorg here

CRE under stress

CRE buckling under that stress

Goldman on the markets

Read our recent coverage:
“Open Market” Purchases

Click here to tell us what you think.
Should an “open market” purchase be liberally construed to conform to sophisticated parties intentions or are there other limiting factors?
(answers remain anonymous

Read the full length feature here.

Read our recent coverage:
Where Are We In The Credit Cycle?

Read our recent coverage: Contributor Cliff White on Examiners

Look out for more great features from our Contributors

Have something interesting to share?

email us at info@creditorcoalition.org

Upcoming Events

May 23: NCBJ/ABI: Behind the Bench: Crypto Bankruptcies: Thinking Through Emerging Issues and Cross-Border Cases

May 24: ABI: New York City Bankruptcy Conference

May 27: SAVE THE DATE: Creditor Rights Coalition & LSTA 2023 Restructuring Symposium

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