Weekly News – June 3

Upcoming Symposium on Intra-Creditor Class Warfare

What is class warfare?
How we got here?
Where do we go from here?

Held June 21 from 1:00pm until 4:30pm
Followed by Reception

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The Symposium will bring together leading academics, practitioners, investors and market participants to discuss the rise of intra-creditor conflict and where we go from here.

Confirmed participants:
Professor Ken Ayotte, Berkeley Law; Assoc. Professor Vince Buccola, Wharton; Chris Chaice, Brigade Capital Management; Professor Elisabeth de Fontenay, Justin Forlenza, Covenant Review; Duke University; David Golub, Golub Capital; Assoc. Professor Greg Nini, Drexel University; Jeff Ogden, Natixis CIM Americas; Erica Weisgerber, Debevoise & Plimpton
More to come

Registration is filled for this event.

Email info@creditorcoalition.org to be added to the wait-list

Reception Sponsor


Please contact info@creditorcoalition.org for sponsorship opportunities

Tweet of the week
Trading, Compliance, Sales, Legal

In the news….

Elon Musk on why bankruptcies just need to happen

Is Big Law ready for a recession?

Alex Jones ends Infowars bankruptcy

Quantitative Tightening

Recession risk

Leading to surge in Distressed Debt

But credit spreads still tight

Some are just licking their chops…

Why gas prices are so high

This week’s practice pointer…

Practice Pointer: 9fin restricted payments insights

Tales of a True Legend

Tim Coleman Speaks about his storied career here

Upcoming Events

June 10: American Bankruptcy Institute New York City Bankruptcy Conference

June 14: O’Melveny & Stifel: Bankruptcy Litigation Roundtable

June 15: Secured Finance Network Women in Secured Finance Conference 2022

June 21: Creditor Coalition & LSTA: Intra-Creditor Class Warfare Symposium

June 26-28: INSOL London 2022

September 6-7: International Insolvency Institute Annual Conference

September 22: LSTA Annual Conference

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