Weekly News – July 21

Loans win! Loans win! Loans win!

But, wait….
the battle isn’t over yet… the Court still has to rule.
Tell us what you think!
How should the Court ultimately rule?
And, what does this all mean for the market??

#AMCAPES whack-a-mole

This drama isn’t over yet…
We can’t wait to see what happens next!

SBF on the firing line

Find it on Reorg here
Read the complaint here

Co-op agreements save the day

but Sponsors still in control…

Mallinckrodt headed for Chapter 22

Bring on the Big Guns

The tax man cometh

Exclusive Content

Click here to find it on Reorg

Dumpster fire… 

Could we see an impaired DIP??

What we’re reading…

What we’re listening to…

Economists always last to the party

BIG earnings week coming up

2023 CRC Allocators Conference

Contributors Speak Up

What to expect in the next default cycle

We asked Contributors Bradford Sandler and Sidney Levinson to weigh in on what we should expect in the next default cycle.

Professor Edward Altman recently noted in a paper published with the Creditor Rights Coalition that the Benign Credit Cycle is over. He sees a reversion to the mean in terms of defaults and recoveries in 2023. But he also sees many risks on the horizon making a Stress or even in a “hard-landing†scenario a possibility (with 8-10% default rates). Put your prediction caps on. What do you see and expect? Where do you expect restructuring activity to increase? Are we in for more bankruptcies? Or, more (yawn yawn) extend and pretend? Will RSAs rule the day? Or, will we see more traditional in-court restructurings? What will this new environment look like?

Read on.

Read our recent coverage:
Third party releases

click through to read the features from our Contributors

Martin Bienenstock
Phil Anker
Marshall Huebner
Edward Neiger
Jennifer Christian
Paul Silverstein
Clifford J. White III

Read our recent coverage:
“Open Market” Purchases

Click here to tell us what you think.
Should an “open market” purchase be liberally construed to conform to sophisticated parties intentions or are there other limiting factors?
(answers remain anonymous

Read the full length feature here.

Read our recent coverage:
Where Are We In The Credit Cycle?

Read our recent coverage: Contributor Cliff White on Examiners

Look out for more great features from our Contributors

Look Out for our New Feature

Have something interesting to share?

email us at info@creditorcoalition.org

Upcoming Events

August 22: ABI/NCBJ: Tackling Emerging and Recurring Mortgage Issues in Individual Bankruptcy Cases

September 29: ABI: Views from the Bench

October 24: ABI: Cross-Border Insolvency Program

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