Weekly News – December 2
Watch out for Wednesday’s Special Edition: Crypto, Crypto, Crypto

US Trustee demands transparent and independent investigation of FTX

Contagion continues…

The next domino to fall?

Get ready to fill out some financial disclosure forms

Bausch threatens Ares-like spin-co over creditor objections

Stakeholders fight back

Trouble in paradise?

Make-whole showdown: Ultra v. Hertz

Some good recommendations for claims trading market

Markets on a Powell high…

leading to best month in credit markets since financial crisis

more pain to come in 2023?

JPMorgan says excess savings gone by mid-2023

Creditor Coalition at the Debtwire Miami Restructuring Conference
Slide Deck: Key events in recent uptiering and drop-down transactions

Have something interesting to share?
email us at info@creditorcoalition.org
Don’t miss the Deal on distressed M&A on December 8

Upcoming Events
December 6: King & Spaulding: Structured Finance Opportunities in a Distressed Environment
December 7: QuantStreet: State of the Markets Webinar
January 31: TMA: 2023 Distressed Investing Conference